Reference: 271810004
PLC of the trolley FX3G + DCPC7_01
Terex Comedil
There are 417 products.
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Reference: 271810004
PLC of the trolley FX3G + DCPC7_01
Reference: 271805008
PLC of the winch FX3U + DCPS17_01
Reference: 271802017
Main PLC + ICS FX3U + VCOJ1_37C
Reference: 830301004
Relay RSB2A080BD
Reference: 830301011
Relay 465282300040
Reference: 271813002
Communication module FX3U-DP-M + DCPS17_01DP
Reference: 271852006
Shuttle inverter NXL0031 + DCDC26_01
Reference: 271851014
Hoist inverter NXP0261+DCDS24_03 IP54 INOX
Reference: 831899059
Encoder ERN430 1024 80S12-03 10-30V HTL K2
Reference: 278207001
Control panel GT1455 + VCOJ36_1M
Reference: 841020129
Encoder motor with brake BN132MA4 7.5 kW 4P IP54 FD 72 Nm
Reference: 841100854
Coach motor brake BN132M 180V DF70 Nm
Reference: 845073006
Hoisting reduction gear A553 UH60 40,3 P132 B3
Reference: 840101036
Slewing ring CTT332-16
Reference: 841010054
Slewing motor with brake MM112L 15kW 400V 1520rpm TK06
Reference: 845265023
Slewing gear T709 T3N 1/177 M14 Z12 B150 CC1
Reference: 841100712
Slewing motor brake TK06